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Crowdfunding Platform Script Crowdphp

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Clone of: Crowdfunding, GoFundMe, Indiegogo, Kickstarter Developer: Crowdphp.com
Language: PHP License: Free

CrowdPHP has OOPS MVC PHP based simple Framework. It is fast, compatible and supports various languages plug-ins,template engine RBAC building & Multi- databases.

UI is designed for ease of users, They can easily navigate options, create new projects , back projects and it is Similar to kickstarter .

Using a MVC based framework Crowdphp can be integrated to any other Payment Gateway or API's. You can contact us or hire any PHP developer for custom work.

CrowdPHP is using Opensource technology, Which allows it to expand further to any possible feature.

Added 18th July 2016 | 3059 Views



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