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White label cryptocurrency wallet: Get yours in just 3 weeks

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Clone of: Fintech Developer: Antier Solutions
Language: PHP License: Free

Are you seeking white label cryptocurrency wallet development services to get your crypto wallet quickly? If yes, Antier Solutions is the right company on which you can count for diligently crafted services. Antier Solutions is well-known for providing highly-secure, scalable and customized white label wallets in just 3 weeks. Features like biometric authentication, multi-sig support, password-protected access, and automatic session layout contribute to multi-layer security of their wallets. Besides, NFC (Near Field Communication) support, QR code support for automatic scanning of wallet address, and user-friendly interface offer world-class user experience. Whether you need a Bitcoin wallet, Ethereum wallet or a multi-cryptocurrency wallet, they provide you with a secure and flexible wallet infrastructure.

Added 12th August 2019 | 1164 Views



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