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Why build sports betting apps like Draftkings?
Why build sports betting apps like Draftkings?
Visit WebsiteClone of: Other | Developer: Marcus Anthony |
Language: PHP | License: Paid |
Online betting is growing exponentially, and according to Transparency Market Research, the market is expected to expand at the CAGR rate of 12.9% between the years 2018-2024, as forecasted by APAC. Apart from this, sports betting is seen to grow by 40% in the global gambling market than any other sections like lotteries, casinos, and other gaming forms.
As a final thought, technology works like magic these days, by transforming almost anything and everything around us. Start your development with the leading-edge DraftKings clone script to keep up with the evolution for a lucrative business.
Added 6th January 2021 | 1369 Views
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