Home / Paypal clones / Affordable payment gateway script for apps like paypal & PayU

Affordable payment gateway script for apps like paypal & PayU

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Clone of: Paypal Developer: BR Softech
Language: PHP License: Paid

BR Softech Offering the secure, reliable and robust Money Transaction Solution for the Android and iOS user to transfer money. To save time and cost, we also deliver readymade payment gateway. It is a clone of Paypal, Paytm and Razorpay. Our payment gateway script is customizable also, if there are any minor or major alterations, so it can be done in seconds.
Payment Gateway Solutions we provide are:
Payment Processing Solutions
Payment Gateway Integration Service
Custom Payment Applications
Payment Gateway Development Solutions
EMV Development Services
Payment Processing Fraud Protection
Payment Processing Security Solutions

Added 3rd April 2019 | 2470 Views



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