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Get your app like Postmates | Customizable Apps | Complete White Label Solutions | Source Code | Pakodus

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Clone of: Postmates Developer: Pakodus
Language: PHP License: Paid

Pakodus providing an on-demand delivery application that can be used for to make food delivery, grocery, postal deliveries, parcels, and home deliveries like PostMates. Launch and own your app like Postmates with our ready-script that let's control your business from your fingertips which comes in Web, Android and iOS with complete white label solution for your venture. Our apps development solution is 100% customizable with more features, enhancements, and integrations as per your business requirements. Get Live Demo Now!

Added 3rd January 2020 | 1254 Views



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UberEats Clone Scripts, UberEats Clone App, On Demand Food Delivery Script, Food Panda Clone App Development

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